"In need of a Pick-me-up? Don't worry, I've got just the thing! From Potions to teas, syrups and hearty treats, I've got just about anything you could yearn for!"Main Location: Mist ward 29, Apt. 52

Looking for work? Wychwood Tonics is now hiring!
Check us out below!

About Wychwood

Wychwood is a name picked up from a silly play on words, not only being named after a plant, but in reference to Heiri, the traveling witch of the Black Shroud.It all started with Heiri traveling as a freelance merchant and apothecary service, visiting anywhere from Gridania to Ul'Dah and the Far East to Radz-at-Hanz. Now she's set up in a cozy little seaside corner in La Noscea.She still travels when required of her and is more than willing to set up any appointments upon request!


Potions and PoisonsA combination of herbalism and alchemical reactions produces potent potions to mend not only the body but the mind as well. Curing all matter of ailment. These are often infused within food and drinks at wychwood! Potions may also be custom ordered for specific treatment, if inquired, potent poisons may also be dealt.Totentanz exorcismA unique skill that has been adopted by the traveling Hyur; the ability to purge the body and mind of deeply negative feelings that may very well manifest into dangerous beings. A skill which most who have researched the topic have come to know is done via dance. Feeling more than just a little blue? Sit back and watch the show!DivinationHeiri prides herself on her tarot readings, and other forms of divination, offering answers to those in need and warning those who aren't carefulPomanders
A curious new item, spells and aether locked away within clay and glass vessels. Can't use aether or want a safety net to cover you in time of need? A pomander may be just what you're looking for.

Interested in learning more of each service? Click below!

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Eorzea's Aria
Holly blue Pea Tea Tincture, Cointreau, Grapefruit Juice, and Lemon Juice
Phoenix Down
Grenadine, soda, orange juice, La Noscean cherry syrup, orange slice
Ocean Balm
gin, blue curaçao, lime juice, honey syrup, and lavender bitters
Rumchata, Fireball, Kahlua, Heavy cream, Whipped cream, ground cinnamon
Hot Rod
Grapefruit bitters, sparkling La Noscean Wine, Lemon twist, Grapefruit juice, Punt e Mes vermouth
Red Cross
Ginger, Mezcal, Lime juice, Rolanberry Jam, Egg White, Freeze Dried rolanberry

Seasonal Special

Spiced Old Fashioned
Sugar, Cinnamon stick, cardamom, Star Anise, La Noscean Bourbon, Thyme, Orange peel

Potions and Poisons
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Take note that all potions and poisons may be applied to foods or drinks by request, simply ask at the counter!


Ailment tonics
Eye Drops, Smelling Salts, Spine Drops, Echo Drops, Antidote
Healing Potions
Potion, Hi-potion, X-Potion, Max potion
Aether Restoratives
Ether, Hi- Ether, X-Ether, Max Ether
Reisui Tonics
Grade 1-4 Reisui tonics available for Mind, Dexterity, Strength, Vitality, and Intelligence
Elemental Wards
Wind, Fire, Water, Levin, Earth, Ice


Generic Poisons
Weak- Potent. Apply to weaponry, food, or drink. Paralyzes in smaller doses and renders unconcious in larger doses.
Side effects include: Fever, slurred speech, blurry vision, loss of control of limbs, vomitting, swelling of tongue, increased heart rateTruth Serum
A minor poison that let's the truth slip by for those who aren't careful enough to take note of the liquid in their drink

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Pomanders are a curious item often found within old enchanted ruins that have a special aetherical ward upon entering inside them. These items are often glass or clay vessels that hold spells or small amounts of aether. Some may even contain minute curses.Through the help of a trusted friend and co-worker, Heiri has followed a recipe to make a proto-type pomander! Disclaimer: Not all pomanders will work as intended, and it is advised to use them carefully!

Strength and Steel
A Pomander that creates a barrier around a small radius of the user, good for deflecting and protecting damages
Sight of the Sea
A glimpse into the aetherial sea. This grants the user the ability of aethersight for a fifteen minute duration
As the name implies, smashing this pomander will sprout aetherial wings from the users back, enabling them the ability to soar to heights never before possible to them. Be wary, as it only lasts fifteen minutes

An annoying prank that inhibits the person in closest proximity to the pomander's spell, transforming them into a tiny, unassuming, Imp.
Alteration of Self
Crushing this pomander will cast a glamour on the user, disguising them for ten minutes time
Serenity's Touch
Capable of soothing even a raging Voidsent, the wash of calming aether is a combination of spells from Heiri's personal repitoire, useful for those who have fallen into a rage, unable to stop.

Totentanz Exorcisms
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Totentanz dancing is a unique Radz-at-hanz form of dance and combat that focuses on a different kind of aetherical energy. This energy is known to most researchers as of late as "Dynamis". An energy that is based around emotions and thought. Depending on a person's state of mind, they could very easily become possessed of or become a monster.The purpose of these dances serve not only as a combative technique, but as a way to purge the body and soul of these tainted dynamis energies. At request, and proceeding proper evaluations, Heiri will perform in order to remove said energies.

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Tarot Readings
Different spreads, Often resulting in three cards drawn, will be given in divination.
Bone Throwing
Small bones will be scattered across a cloth. Their locations will determine the reading

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✦ OOC: let it be known that I am a witch irl! All in game divination will be done with physical cards and bone readings, rp will of course be done but the readings applied will be done in real life!

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✧ Please be respectful of rp topics!✧ Scheduled appointments are always welcome, but please keep in mind I am a manager irl and work long hours, usually between 6-4pm EST✧ ERP is not allowed within the shoppe, please keep things decent as this is a public location and everything is SFW✧ The use of Gil as payment is not required! as all rp will remain IC, however tips are always welcome!✧ fighting is not permitted outside of dance. And you will be removed should any problems arise. Looking to take part in a combative round of dance? Ask first! Else you may find yourself on the wrong end of Heiri's fans.✧ Thank you for reading through the guidelines! do you use mare? If so, please feel free to join our SFW syncshell!
Password: ChamomileHearts

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Looking for work? Feel as if you can offer more to Wychwood Tonics? You've come to the right place! As the shoppe is expanding, we will be in need of everything from divination specialists, dancers, greeters, and those with cafe experience or the want to learn! What does each job entail?

Have a heart for divination? Be it tarot cards, bone throwing, runes, or something unique. Wychwood Tonics prides themselves on their readings of the past, present, and future!
Apothecary worker
If you've an eye for herbal remedies and alchemical concoctions then this may be the position for you. Diagnosing and pinpointing what a customer needs will be your main task, along with serving up tasty treats and drinks

Unlike other venues, Wychwood Tonics dancers stray away from the 'nightclub' vibe with their moves. Dancing in the shoppe will entail traditional and more Eastern styles- coupled with the skills to successfully take down any beasts that are produced on stage from said dance.
A bit self explanitory, but a greeter is a very important job in any shoppe. It helps make the customer feel seen and welcomed, and also offers them a first look at our menu before ever sitting down and deciding if they wish to partake in our venue

All workers will be paid out at the end of the night, and of course; whatever tip you make in store, you get to keep! If any position interests you, walk up to Heiri and ask for an interview!

What are payrate expectations?Dancers will be paid 350k a nightAll other positions will be paid 300k a nightIs there a set uniform?
No, there is no set uniform for the shoppe, rather those who work will be asked to wear the Melding tag ( /ltm ) to show customers that you are around and ready to help them out!
What days are we open?
As of currently, the days vary. However Thursday through Saturday seem to be te most likely days we will be open. Changes in schedule may occur and we are more than happy to fit you in where needed to help you earn your pay!